so tired..................
Im suffering of Menstrual pain
I just attended snips for 2 hours then i leave,just because of period come too suddenly.
and i feeling weak,so i back home and rest early.
Kinda stress for the whole month,its too many thing to do..
-renew my ic
-get my driving lisience
-finish my exam for snips
-doing research and preparation for snips grand opening hair show
-searrching for hair show model
i cantbe weak!
stay strong
and hopefully body is enough healthy.cant be sickness at all!
Doing the theme for the hair show is about cyber look,metalic fantasy hair

need more idea.PLS
Still around 28 days to go..
i still got wat else havent do yet?
My body parts buddies,when we gonna stick 2gether everyday again?
I miss u all..
Just chat with fish n wilson and feeling better..
thanks buddies!LOVE ya.
not really gonna type longer..
before end up this post
i wanted to say
my mind is thinking somebody,i miss him